Monday, February 21, 2011

The Truth

After years of being mocked by everyone I've brought this to my family and friends have encouraged me to come forward with this information on the public forum of the internet. What I am about to tell you may be hard to here but I promise you that over the following weeks I'll be providing ample evidence of my claims.

As you probably know in 1938 Orson Welles, later famous for his movie Citizen Kane, produced a radio version of the War of the Worlds that caused a panic on the east coast of the united states. In New Jersey a crowd of almost a million people fled from their homes attempting to escape an alien invasion.

My grandfather was part of that crowd and till the day he died he swore up and down that the aliens were real, that he saw them, and that New Jersey actually was invaded that night.

And he was right.

I've found evidence, evidence no one seems willing to accept, that there was an invasion that night. But that invasion left traces that cannot be denied. From physical evidence like mysterious scraps of metal and burn marks in the woods of New Jersey to first hand accounts from people who saw the Martians attack.

The reasons for the cover-up are not entirely clear to me, nor is the level of involvement Mr. Welles had in this conspiracy, but one thing is for certain: the truth will finally be revealed if I have anything to say about it.

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